Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5, 2012

Not much happening with us today. We went back to Saint Michael Lutheran Church this morning and the sermon was about work. Even the children's sermon was about work. All the references to things that make work stressful, frustrating and boring were really no concern to us retired folks. However, we were reminded how we all can and should work for the Lord.

We stopped in the Super Walmart after church to get our groceries for dinner tonight. It looked like everyone else had the same idea! And from what I have heard, it seems to have been the same scene in Calvert County, too. We prepared a strir fry meal during half time and it was ready to serve just as the second half began.

So, we enjoyed a good Super Bowl game and once again I rooted for the losing team. I must be a jinx! I can't believe that the Redskins beat this Super Bowl champion team two times this season.

My daughter-in-law posted a photo on Facebook of snow in her area today in Mt. Airy. We sure don't miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Hector is a BIG Giants fan! They have always been his team - and he took a lot of ribbing when the 'Skins beat them in regular season... so he was VERY happy with yesterday's results! (I haven't spoken with him - but I can imagine what was taking place over there!)

    I'm ready for some 75-80 degree days... *sigh*
